Equestrian and Biking Trails
Horseback and biking maps
Please help us meet your biking and equestrian camping needs.
Click the buttons below to see the full trail maps for all equestrian and biking riders.
These trails are designed for your specific travel needs, therefore, please do not
leave the designated trail. If visitors are seen off their designated route, they
will be asked to leave the premises and will be fined.
Hunts Meadow
Equestrian Trailhead Campground
Hunts Meadow Equestrian Campground now has 19 electric/water sites, with picnic tables,
hitching posts, and fire rings in each site. There is a wash bay for the horses, and
a pavilion for group gatherings offered.
Trail prices
Daily: $10.00 per trailer
Yearly: $100 per trailer